RIC 42
MEL 85
ESS 85
COL 85
GWS 113
BRL 59
PTA 82
STK 72
NTH 81
ADE 138
GEE 118
CAR 105
FRE 95
WBD 71
GCS 112
WCE 75
HAW 42
SYD 118

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This is a preview of the new post match analysis report. It's currently under development, so expect to see more content in the coming weeks.

If you have any advice or suggestions, please use this contact form to let us know!

Port Adelaide
St. Kilda
Personal Bests

The 'Personal Bests' section highlights how a player's latest performance ranks against their career best output. If a player breaks a personal best record (or ranks in his top three overall), it will be listed here.

Note, a player has to had played at least 15 games to have their personal bests listed.

Jase Burgoyne
  • Highest Disposal Tally (27)
  • Most Marks Taken (8)
  • Equal 2nd Most Behinds Kicked (1)
  • Equal Most Handballs Earned (11)
  • Most Kicks Earned (16)
  • Highest Dreamteam Total (112)
Willem Drew
  • 2nd Most Marks Taken (7)
Kane Farrell
  • Equal Highest Free Against Count (3)
  • Most Marks Taken (10)
Miles Bergman
  • 3rd Most Marks Taken (9)
Esava Ratugolea
  • Equal 3rd Most Kicks Earned (11)
Lachlan Jones
  • Equal 3rd Highest Free Kick Count (2)
Jackson Mead
  • 2nd Most Kicks Earned (10)
Mitchell Georgiades
  • Equal 2nd Most Behinds Kicked (4)
Ryan Byrnes
  • Equal 2nd Most Kicks Earned (15)
Dougal Howard
  • Equal 2nd Highest Free Against Count (4)
Cooper Sharman
  • Equal 2nd Highest Free Against Count (2)

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